
AMP 08 : : The Main Event

Get registered TODAY! The last day for all you Early Birds.


Oct. 2 : : We're in Blum

NavNite meets in Blum this week. 222ish.


Meeting in Spratt 103

NavNite, tonight, 7PM, Spratt 103.


Sacrifice to Demons

Romans 2:1-11

Here's the points from our Bible study last night:

Romans 2:1-11
The wrath of God will be revealed.

The Judged
The Judgment
The Gospel


Romans Memory Verses

Well, we haven't got these posted as a file on the website, so this will have to suffice for the moment. Here are the memory verses so everyone can get started (the list may look long, but it's only a couple verses a week when you think about how long we're going to study the book!):

Rom 1:16-17
Rom 1:18
Rom 2:13
Rom 3:21-26
Rom 4:3-5
Rom 4:16
Rom 4:24-25
Rom 5:1
Rom 5:8-10
Rom 6:16-18
Rom 7:4
Rom 8:1-4
Rom 8:13-17
Rom 8:23
Rom 8:38-39
Rom 9:16-18
Rom 10:9-10
Rom 10:13-14
Rom 11:32-36
Rom 12:1-2
Rom 13:11-14
Rom 14:11-12
Rom 14:15
Rom 14:22-23
Rom 15:14


The Outline of Romans

Here's the big outline, with only the biggest road markers. As you're reading through it this semester, keep adding more and more details under these headings as you put the pieces together. Bring your outline to NavNite and we'll compare outlines of each section together.

1. 1:1-15 The Letter Opening
1:16-17 THESIS = The Righteousness of God Is Revealed in the Gospel
2. 1:18-4:25 The Heart of the Gospel = Justification by Faith
3. 5:1-8:39 The Assurance of the Gospel = The Hope of Salvation
4. 9:1-11:36 Justification and Election: Jews and Gentiles
5. 12:1-15:33 Life After Justification
6. 15:14-16:27 The Letter Closing



No Ultimate Frisbee On Saturday (Sept. 13). Come out to help at the CrossPointe work day at the church.


Knock-Down Argument Against Dancing in Church

This is too funny. An awkward blend of discordant genres (kind of like a salsa-chocolate milkshake).

Thanks to Justin Taylor for the video link.

Remember, NavNite is tomorrow (Th.) in Blum 223 (or close to it).


College 101

John Mark Reynolds has a helpful column here offering 10 tips for college students getting ready for Fall.

What follows is the barebones outline, but if the topic is of interest, you'll want to read the whole thing.

1. Ignore advice to “remake” yourself the first day you get to college.

2. Do something each week that puts you in contact with people older and younger than your peer group.

3. If you have a decent relationship with your parents keep it up.

4. If you are going to college, then go. You are in college to learn. In America, education often includes getting a job skill, but should also be about becoming a good, civilized citizen.

5. Find a faculty mentor during your first year.

6. Take classes that are hard from full-time professors that love to teach.
7. Secretaries and support staff are overworked, underpaid, and very powerful. You should be good to them out of virtue, but you must do it to thrive. The friendship you make with the department secretary now will pay dividends over the years. (One way I judge the character of a student is by how they treat the support staff.)

8. Books are not yet antiques. Go to the library. Talk to librarians. They are faculty members that are often under-utilized.
9. Don’t be too quick to pick a major, but try to do so by the end of the first year.

10. Live like an adult in college which includes moderating your passions.


Do Your Own Bible Study! (part 1)

Processed material? Maybe for fast food, but not Bible study! Chew on the real stuff for yourself!

Read through Romans this week and do the first phase of an "inductive Bible study".

1. Print a “blank” copy (Bible text, no headings-use biblegateway.com for example) with big margins
2. Read it over and over
3. Make your own outline of the book
4. Compare to other outlines (in your Bible or commentaries, etc.)
5. Learn the sections by heart


NavNite : : Sept 4 : : Spratt 103

NavNite this Thursday is in Spratt 103, 7:00pm.

Feeling comfy?

College getting off to a good start? Classes clicking along? Not as scary as you thought some might be? Or are some really scary when you weren't expecting?

Regardless, you're a Christian. No matter what's happening in your life, there are some things that must always be on the forefront of your mind, before anything else. And those things are all about the Kingdom of God's Son, Jesus Christ. One of the greatest means God has used to keep the reality of His Kingdom fresh in my mind is the magazine Voice of the Martyrs. It's free. You need it. GET IT HERE.

It's about your brothers and sisters in chains.

If you can read it and not be awakened from apathy or spiritual slumber, you might not be a believer in the first place!