
Bringing the Gospel, Bringing the Heat

Hear this--It's the Gospel. A different music. A different sub-culture. But it's the same Gospel. We need such little "contextualization" in our evangelism and missions! We should be amazed at how clear the words of Scripture are for every culture or sub-culture or clique to "get it".


Thinking Biblically About Facebook

(Thanks to Justin Taylor for this link)
Justin Buzzard offers some wise counsel, including 9 potentially negative uses/dangers of Facebook and 6 ways to love God and love others through Facebook. Happy foddering.


Testimony of Justin Vold

I listened to this recently and highly recommend it. God is beginning to do some amazing things (revival!) that Christians haven't seen for years. It'll be a blessing and a challenge to you:

Justin Vold testimony


A Riddle for the Me Generation

A riddle for all you who love Twitter type and Facebook hype:

What relation to the Me Generation
Shares Narcissus that should warn us
Of vain-glory and sin's story?

ON AN UGLY FELLOW, by William Cowper

"Beware, my friend, of crystal brook
Or fountain, lest that hideous hook,
Thy nose, thou chance to see;
Narcissus' fate would then be thine,
And self-detested thou would'st pine,
As self-enamoured he."

An Exciting Day at Church

I'm not sure I remember ever having a day at church like this as a kid. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7718596.stm

Israeli police have arrested two clergyman after an argument between monks erupted into a brawl next to the site of Jesus' tomb.

The clash broke out between Armenian and Greek Orthodox monks in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Six Christian sects divide control of the ancient church. They regularly fight over turf and influence, and Israeli police occasionally intervene.