
For Scripture Memory Cards

Verse Card Maker : : ESV

Fighter Verses--A

Maybe someone wants to enter these for us and send us the ready-made pdf file??? Anybody?

Bueller? Bueller?


10 / 40 Window

Missions 101: What is the 10 / 40 Window?



NavNite Meetings : : Fall 2009 Schedule


Hi all. I know there's info we need to update on this site. So here's the official schedule for Fall 2009:

Every Thursday @ 7pm @ Blum 222, beginning Aug 27.
Except Sept 3, 10, 24. These weeks, we're in Spratt 203.

(Also, sorry about the html code problems on the site. They went haywire this week. It'll be fixed soon!)


Welcome (and Welcome Back)!

Hello to all returning to MWSU for another year, and welcome to all coming for their first!

Our first meeting is next week at 7:00, Thursday (Aug 27).

But mud volleyball is Wed. @ 4:00. Contact Jeremy if you plan on playing.

Of all the mushy lines about God . . .

Mushy, canned, chicken-soupy, jelly-spined, fortune cookie thoughts about God don't do anything for me. They don't call me to attention, they don't build steel into my spine, they don't humble me in my sin, they don't help me to love and glorify Christ. They're like looking at a sunset through a stained-glass window; they only obscure the real splendor for something far less. I read this one today in an email:

God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love
and so small He can curl up inside your heart.

Where do you find that in the Bible?


We're Official!

Thanks Colin for the help to make us official at MWSU.

(Some of you may be surprised to find out for 2 years we haven't been. I was surprised when I found out too! After several months, the issues are finally resolved.)


What is history's most spectacular sin? It's the Cross. Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross of wood and hung there until dead. The Son of God was killed by the hands of men.

But he wasn't dying for sins he had done. God's plan to save the world from their sins, was being accomplished. That's why Jesus' last words were, "It is finished." Mission accomplished. His all-consuming purpose in life was fulfilled.

That is the meaning and purpose for celebrating Easter. Jesus saves men from the guilt, consequences, and power of sin. He chose to sacrifice himself in order to save the world, to reconcile man to God.

If God is at work in you, these things are gnawing on your mind, contact us. We want you to know Jesus.


Sin: Man's Ultimate Problem

Taken from Jusification and Regeneration by Charles Leiter (a great, accessible book on the glorious work of God who justifies the ungodly in Jesus Christ and regenerates their hearts by the Spirit).



The Point of Your Life = That Christ Gets His Due Reward

This semester, some of our students are attending the missions class "Perspectives" on Tuesday evenings and meeting during the week for Bible studies.
Contact us if you want to know more about Christ, need Christian fellowship, or discipleship.

Blessings in Christ, the only Object worthy to waste your life for.